Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 1 Tinker v. DesMoines

Question: Were the students’ First Amendment rights violated when they were suspended for
wearing armbands? Use an extra sheet of paper if you need more space.

Post, your decision, explanation of your group’s majority opinion, explanation of your group’s minority opinion:


  1. We believe that it violates their First Amendment rights. We think this because the First Amendment states freedom of speech, religion and press. they were simply wearing armband and it wasn't harming anyone.


  2. Yes because its the students right to express their opinion by wearing the black armbands and they got suspended for it.

  3. our group of 4 all agreed that the school took away the kids rights by not allowing the kids to wear arm bands

  4. Students have the freedom of expression in school, if other political symbols are allowed then why cant kids wear a black arm ban protesting the Vietnam War. Wearing One Does Not Cause Any Real Danger and didn't interfere with students education.

  5. I think it's unfair because they violated the first amendment.
